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Dr. Sivaprasad,

How Kerala succeeded in flattening the COVID-19 curve.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): The local bodies and women’s self-help groups, Kudumbasree, in Kerala has made the state’s fight against COVID-19 a community initiative-a game-changer that is helping it flatten the curve.

With thousands of people put under home quarantine, their non-medical needs requiring looking after, and several hotspots sealed, the local bodies were called in for effective micro-level implementation of the containment strategy.

But we must not forget.

  1. Regular hand washing.

  2. Keeping social distancing of minimum 1 meter between you and other person.

  3. Avoid touching eye, nose and mouth.

  4. Start practise good respiratory hygiene. Covering your mouth or nose with bend elbow or tissue while sneezing and coughing, and disposing tissue properly.

Stay Safe. Stay Safe. Stay Safe.

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